Installation image at Dora Maar: Behind the Lens at Amar Gallery
Amar Gallery is proud to announce its reopening exhibition – Dora Maar: Behind the Lens, featuring photographs & photograms from the Dora Maar Estate. The exhibition is a celebration of Maar’s life and is in conjunction with the upcoming release of bestselling author Louisa Treger’s book, The Paris Muse, based on Maar’s affair with Picasso, and the theatrical production Maar, Dora which is performing at Camden Fringe in August and is produced by Amar Gallery, Nadia Jackson & Spiky Saul.
Louisa Treger states “Dora Maar is mostly known for being Picasso’s Weeping Woman as though tears are the only interesting thing about her. Amar Gallery and my novel put her at the heart of the story and give her the recognition she deserves.”
Dora Maar: Behind the Lens presents surrealist works of Maar as well as photographs of Picasso and Guernica, the celebrated anti-war painting for which Maar was the only official photographer. The exhibition also revisits Maar’s erasure throughout art history. As a photographer she was a pioneer, admired by the likes of Henri Cartier-Bresson and Man Ray. Her position as Picasso’s lover obscured her artistic talent, which extended far beyond photography, and included poetry and painting.
To find out more please go to the direct link.