Silvia Lizama. Palmetto Extension III. Hand-colored gelatin silver print. 15 x 15 in. Courtesy of the artist.
Environmental Futures III: South Florida Women Artists brings together master and emerging women and non-binary artists, highlighting the concepts of environmental ecology, social ecology, and mental ecology, as referenced by Felix Guattari’s book The Three Ecologies. Guattari’s contribution to ecology studies resides in what he calls the ecosophical perspective– an extended definition of ecology beyond environmental concerns to address human subjectivity and social relations. In his words, the ecosophical perspective includes unifying objectives, such as the struggle to end deforestation or the proliferation of nuclear industries, but also questions of racism, phallocentrism, the disastrous legacy of ‘modern’ town planning, etc. This theoretical framework is very useful in approaching how South Florida women artists have documented the environment as natural, social, and subjective, departing from a palpable sense of ecological crisis.
The exhibition will also honor and celebrate visual artist Silvia Lizama who has lived in Hollywood for more than 37 years.
To find out more please go to the direct link.