The series is eponymous to and is inspired by Dickens iconic novel. I am inspired by the eccentric character of Miss Havishma and I am drawn to the effects of being jilted at the alter have on her character and how this affects wider society. It is always intriguing to me how events shapes characters and vice versa. I also imagine a situation where Miss Havishma marries and lives a sad miserable and largely unfulfilled life.
Society today, especially in Africa, places huge emphasis on marriage as institution and this leads to pressure and stresses on a lot of women some of whom are successful but yet feel unfulfilled until married. Happiness, love, friendship are all after thoughts. marriage first.
Dickens’s novel was a great inspiration and because it is narrated in the first person I felt the need to immerse myself and reinterpret this story in contemporary African- Nigerian society, through self-portraiture. Great expectations is a novel of visual imagery and i decided to model myself alongside the character of Miss Havishma.