La forma del silenzio furthers an open question: can the wall separating us from our limited perception of time and space be broken? Through her work Palmieri challenges this notion by exploring the relationship between science, emotional flux and the cathartic explosion that drives every human being to transcend, in order to be reunited with the metaphysical, to perceive that primitive sense of loss/wonder in front of the birth of a galaxy, with the feeling of being able to regain your own ‘internal time’. La forma del silenzio describes the dilatation of a millisecond and the metamorphosis of perception, it constructs and deconstructs worlds, universes, it searches for new levels, it analyses the layers of our emotions through stories and relations. It links with concepts born out of Einstein’s research, where all is relative, where space and time exist yet are not independent from what occurs as they are made of the same matter that makes everything in this world. There is a letter that Einstein wrote to his daughter after understanding the theory of relativity: probably it’s a fake, but doesn’t matter. This letter underline a concept that inspired this work: gravity and love are made of the same matter, forces from which we are dominated that we can’t understand with reason.
For ‘La Forma del Silenzio’ – Sara Palmieri states – I’ve started reading science texts, from Rovelli to Klein through Bergson, and end up in Lanzarote reading Saramago and Hesse. Science and poetry have led me to the same place, beyond the visible, beyond the order of things.