HYSTERIA Kickstarter company!

The HYSTERIA collective is raising funds for the printing and distribution of our eighth periodical on feminisms and power.

The HYSTERIA collective has been working very hard over the past nine months on the eighth issue of the HYSTERIA periodical. Now it’s time to share it with the rest of the world. But we need your help! We need to raise £1500 for printing costs before we can publish it. 

HYSTERIA is an international collective striving to spread feminisms through our activism and our annual periodical filled with critical essays, poems, prose, comments, photography, objections, paintings and all other mediums of expression.

Our eighth issue explores the concept of power. Devoted to the critique of women’s subordination and to the intersections between sexism, racism, cis-sexism and class oppression, we have collated more than 150 pages devoted to exploring what power means to feminisms.

To read more and support, please go to the direct link .

Company closes on October 13.