The Mother House,started the 5th of September 2016 at the IKLECTIK Art Lab. The model provides the freedom to work independently or alongside your children and it encouraged opportunities to work in collaboration with other artists creating a supportive and inspiring network.
The Mother House idea is born in response to the urge of “making” within the life-changing experience of motherhood, offering a collaborative yet intimate space to curate your practice whilst ensuring your journey into motherhood is fed in a creative and inclusive way.
Motherhouse’s approach was built on observations regarding childcare provision:
Childcare remains under-funded and scarce
Childcare models are invariably based on separating child from mother; mother from care and child from the workplace
Childcare is costly and not suited to families and women with flexible work and/or low incomes
The Mother House was conceived and establishes by the Procreate Project CIC. The model aims to help mothers who are artists, creatives, freelancers and entrepreneurs, providing an inspiring space to allow them to continue working whilst nurturing engaged parenting. The Model facilitates integration and exchange with the Mothers’ art practice, bringing the child’s development closer to art. Crucially, children learn about women’s roles outside the domestic environment.
Motherhouse creates two interconnected spaces:
Studio space for professional arts practice in the form of an open art studio. The space is organised in assigned sections that fit the needs of artists working in different mediums and forms.
In-houses activities organised specifically for children, guided and supervised by a dedicated team.
Procreate Project will supply a range of support services for artists’ members, including mentoring sessions, curators / galleries’ owners visiting the space and online promotion of works.
The Mother House members will have access to concessionary tickets prices for events and workshops organised by the Procreate Project.