Carbon-Borders-Voices is a project connected to The Critical Fish. They are inviting responses – written, visual, creative, critical and scientific to the theme from different discipline perspectives.
Hull has been characterised as being ‘at the end of the line’ and many artists and writers explore experience and circumstances ‘on the edge’ where water meets land, coastlines erode, and borders shift in a constant reminder of the changing nature of place.
Carbon-Borders-Voices would like to invite writing and art work responding to this theme Above, Below, At the Edge of the Water: floating, submerged, dipping your toes in. They are interested in creative, critical and experimental writing; art work can be in any medium and will be considered for our on line gallery.
They hope to feature a range of perspectives, for example, aesthetic, environmental, geological, social and political viewpoints. Seen collectively these will focus attention, inform and challenge the way they see and experience places and communities ‘on the edge’. Artists/writers can respond to their immediate environment as well as exploring links with people and places elsewhere.
Carbon-Borders- Voices are happy to receive work in progress, abstracts, reports, plans as much as finished work. The exhibition will be on line in the 1st instance – to coincide with COP26.
Everyone welcome scientists, writers, artists.
For more information please follow the direct link.