Job: Project Artist at Turner Contemporary

Turner Contemporary is inviting applications from an experienced and suitably qualified artist to lead He do the Police in Different Voices, a project engaging mental health service users in an artist led programme to develop skills, confidence and resilience over a 9 month period, resulting in the production or co-production of an artwork or resource for Journeys with ‘The Waste Land’; Turner Contemporary’s first major exhibition of 2018.

Applying for a position at Turner Contemporary

Please submit an application covering i) your suitability for the role ii) how you would propose  devising, developing and delivering workshops for participants and iii) how you would propose transforming outcomes from these workshops into an artwork or resource for Journeys with ‘The Waste Land’, and what you imagine the contribution to the exhibition might be.

To support your application please include examples of three previous projects (with images or video links and explanatory text) which demonstrate the relevance of your prior experience to this role and help communicate how you might approach this opportunity.

Maximum overall submission length 1500 words. Please send as a single word or pdf document.

Interviews will be held on Wednesday 29th March.