Landskrona Foto Residency

Twice a year Landskrona Foto Residency welcomes an early to mid-career photographer or artist working with photography and/or lens-based media, who wishes to further and challenge their practice, to Landskrona, to engage in a project related to the city.

Our residency program is an opportunity for a non-Swedish photographer or artist working with photography and/or lens based media to have time and space away from their usual environment and obligations. The residency takes place for 6 weeks during the spring and in the autumn. The residency photographer receives a grant of 15000 SEK (approx. 1500 EUR), travel expenses to and from the home country (economy only), an apartment in Landskrona, and an office space with Landskrona Foto crew. Landskrona Foto connects the photographer in residency with regional-based photographers, artists and other art professionals through meetings, mentoring, exhibition openings and other networking opportunities.

For more information please go to the direct link.