Celebrating their 10 year anniversary – Photoville will once again combine online gatherings, and dispersed outdoor exhibitions. Working with parks and city officials, they plan to safely install exhibition banners throughout parks and public spaces in NYC that will remain on view for several months so that communities can enjoy them while using these open spaces as a place to recharge, exercise, and relax.
Photoville 2021 want to see your visual stories — local and global, long-term projects and pressing current issues, stories of communities, of celebration, of resilience, of challenges— stories that help us better understand the world around us.
Even though there will be no in-person event gatherings or container exhibitions this year, Photoville 2021 are confident that adapting the festival format will allow audiences to safely enjoy all of the exhibitions and programming, while continuing to meet the needs of local and global photo communities.
The talks, workshops, and community events will take place online this fall. If in-person gatherings become safe in the coming months, they will be announced later in the summer.
For more details please follow the direct link.