Rencontres de Bamako/African Biennale of Photography: OPEN CALL

Open call for the 13th Rencontres de Bamako/African Biennale of Photography

The central theme of this year’s Bamako Encounters zeroes in on questions of multiplicity, processuality, transition, becoming, heritage, and difference. In arguing that present discussions of singularity tend to ossify notions of identity, culture, and politics, the curatorial team launches a powerful affirmation of that which is in between and beyond the traditional boundaries of such categories. As the main title suggests, Maa ka Maaya ka ca a yere kono: the persons of the person are multiple in the person.

We invite artists to reflect on such processes of becoming, multiplicities, layered and fragmented identities, vibrant understandings of heritage/patrimony, storytelling, and difference(s). The 13th edition of Rencontres de Bamako/African Biennale of Photography will be held from November 20, 2021 to January 20, 2022 in Bamako, Mali. This call is open to artists from the African world, amateur and professional photographers and video artists, alone or in groups, without age or nationality limit.

Applications can only be made online on the internet platform of the Rencontres de Bamako. Applicants must include the completed application form, a detailed CV, a portrait of the artist, a portfolio, and samples of recent work (photography, videos, and/or digital works).

For more information about the Biennale and the open call, please go to the direct link.