VRN Call for Residency Participants 2019

The Visual Research Network invites the creators of projects which explore the world through various forms of audio-visual methodology to apply for the VRN residency. The projects should be work-in-progress as the residency will create a space for the discussion and creative, collective work on the development of these projects.

The 5 day long stay in the Peak District will offer the 18 participants an opportunity for the encounter of differing backgrounds, life experiences, and geographic provenances. Rather than just present their work, residency guests should ignite the dialogic processes; they should challenge each other, de-construct narratives, and push the boundaries of their creative process and methods. The participants will share ideas and expertises through reflexive walks and dialogic flaneurism in the frame of the Peak District National Park; the residency will be a hub of creative encounters, engaged media and shared imagination.

The aim of both the residency and the two day conference following it at the University of Manchester is to channel and showcase new perspectives and approaches that visual practitioners and researchers are currently employing in their work. In order to enrich visual practices toward new disciplinary horizons, we advocate for visual, sonic, experimental, and multisensory cross-disciplinary knowledge. These encounters represent an opportunity for visual practitioners and researchers to broaden their horizons toward new methodological approaches while constituting a collaborative and shared training experience.

Excerpts of the work done during the residency will be shown as part of a collective exhibition during the subsequent VRN conference at the University of Manchester on the 5th and 6th of September, participants are also welcomed to present their individual work at the conference.

Film, photography, sound, and any other sensory materials produced through critical, creative or reflexive processes in artistic practice, practice-as-research or ethnography are all welcome.

For more details please visit the direct link.