Elizabeth Ransom

Assistant Researcher & Project Administrator (2018-2023)

Elizabeth Ransom is a UK based visual artist and educator working with alternative photographic practices. She is currently enrolled on the PhD research degree programme at the University for the Creative Arts, Farnham. As an artist Ransom takes from her own lived experiences of migration to explore transnationality, home and memory. Ransom’s research builds on theories of migration and place attachment particularly from the perspective of the migrant woman, as often in the past migration studies have been biased and use male only participants. As the experience of transnationality is not easily represented, Ransom’s research explores how women discuss transnationality through alternative photographic practices such as cyanotypes, photograms, and chromatography. Her work has been exhibited internationally in the UK, India, Mexico, China and the US. Ransom has also contributed to curatorial projects including the Women in Photography: A History of British Trailblazers, which recognised the significant contribution of women photographers in Britain through an in-depth historical survey showcasing works from artists such as Anna Atkins and Julia Margaret Cameron. www.elizabethransom.com