The OGC is the brain child of Kate O’Neill and Alice Widger, born after noticing there was a lack of support or connections solely aimed for women in photography.
The OGC (a tongue n’ cheek poke at the industries’ ‘mythical’ Old Boys Club) hopes to help women within the photography industry connect, exhibit, promote and support each other. We like to think we’re inclusive rather than exclusive (all genders always welcome!) and instead of finger pointing we aim to extend the platform to showcase emerging and existing talent.
The OGC is also home to the #CloseUp talks that will be held 2-3 times a year providing upcoming or returning female photographers the opportunity to meet and hear from well known, established professionals working across the photography and visual arts industry.
We also started the ‘This Is What A Photographer Looks Like‘ campaign, to highlight that we hire photographers based on their skill, not their gender.