Inspired by Luce Lebart and Marie Robert’s recently published Histoire Mondiale des femmes photographes, this presentation will investigate the extraordinary bodies of work produced by Japanese women photographers from the 19th century to today. Meant as a complement to a history of Japanese photography that is largely masculine, this talk will reveal the abundance and diversity of historical and contemporary creation by women Japanese photographers since the birth of the medium. Looking into issues of representation and self-representation, this project intends to restore a missing link in the history of Japan and the history of photography.
Pauline Vermare is a photography curator and historian. She is a former cultural director of Magnum Photos in New York, a curator at the International Center of Photography (ICP) and the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). From 2002 to 2009, she worked at the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation, in Paris. She is the author of numerous interviews and essays on photography. She sits on the boards of the Saul Leiter Foundation and the Catherine Leroy Fund.
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