Join Magnum photographer Bieke Depoorter for a workshop over 5 days in Tirana, Albania as part of the Inside>>Out program.
This in-person photography workshop is designed to offer you strategies on how to present a project through editing and sequencing and focus on telling intimate stories through visual storytelling. Whilst on the programme you will work in a group setting towards defining your own visual approach and receive constructive feedback from Depoorter.
Ahead of the workshop, you will start a project on the theme of “collaboration,” which you can interpret as broadly as you wish. Throughout the workshop week itself, you will continue developing the work and shooting under Bieke’s guidance in an open, friendly environment where you can brainstorm ideas, experiment, and most importantly, challenge yourself and how you relate to your subjects.
This workshop is open to photographers and visual artists interested in experimenting with the myriad possibilities of the medium under the guidance of a Magnum photographer whose own practices have been recognized as innovative and experimental.
To find out more and to book a place please go to the direct link.