Emerging Talents is a photo festival devoted to young artists. It will be held at MATTATOIO Museum in Rome from December 7th 2018 to January 6th 2019. A selection of unpublished works will be displayed, with meetings, talks and workshops.
For the 2018 edition, Emerging Talents is launching an Open Call inviting all photographers to present a photographic project about the theme “Interferences”.
Emerging Talents is in its 5th edition, and the jury will be composed by the Artistic Directors of the Festival Partners, such as:
Matilde Barbieri – FOTOGRAFIA EUROPEA – Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Louise Fedotov-Clements – FORMAT International Photography Festival (UK)
Carine Dolek – Festival Circulations (France)
Federico Gonzalez – Newwer Gallery (Mexico)
Helena VO Velez Olabarria – DOCfield Barcelona, festival fotografia documental. (Spain)
Arianna Catania – Emerging Talents (Italy)
More details on the direct link.