Open Call 2024: Impact Grants and Creative Bursaries

The Supporting Act Foundation is offering 12 impact grants and 20 creative bursaries for emerging artists and artist-led non-profits from underrepresented communities in the arts.  They will be given on an unrestricted basis, in keeping with the foundation’s trust-based approach to grant-making, so recipients are free to use the funding as they see fit.

This no-strings approach is informed by research into the most effective methods to address the precarious conditions and restricted opportunities that face both non-profit organizations and emerging artists from marginalized groups. In tandem with a lightweight application process, this model plays a significant role in helping recipients expand their practices and operations, with 95% of last year’s grantees citing the unrestricted nature of their grant as very helpful in meeting their financial needs.

Reflecting on this vote of confidence, Jenne Meerman, The Supporting Act Foundation Director, says:  “Traditional grant-making often focuses on specific projects or initiatives, while we’re keen to give our grantees the freedom to spend their grants however they choose. We believe they’re in the best place to know how these resources can help them to reach their goals, and to make a positive difference in their communities. As a result, the impact of our grants is maximized, which is the ideal scenario.”

To find out more and to apply please go to the direct link.