Queer Family Archive
Challenging the conventional and heteronormative visualisation and construction of family. An archive to share our stories of our families.
Facilitated by Quetzal Maucci
This is an open call for participants in these structures to email me a photograph and a written memory of their family for the archive. I am also looking for writers or photographers who have already created work around this topic or would like to create new work on this topic to house in the archive. In the future, I am hoping to partner with queer institutions and organisations for this project.
“My name is Quetzal Maucci. I am the child in the center of this photograph. I grew up with two queer mothers from South America: Lucrecia and Flavia. I am a photographer and educator based in London. I am now building, curating, facilitating a multimedia archive to create a collaborative space where queer family structures can be seen, heard, and represented. This is an archive that I believe is lacking worldwide. “
I am looking for family structures where the parents identify outside of the heteronormative and heterosexual spheres. This could range from parents who identify as trans, queer, lesbian, gay, non-binary, and other definitions you may bring to the archive (LGBTQIA+). This archive also welcomes poly queer family communities. You can always email me if you want to see if your family structure can be archived with us.
I believe it is important to have this representation documented and archived for future generations. I grew up with little representation of my family in the media and within society. Now I am 31 years old, and I believe it is time for me to reflect on my story and include a space for those in similar structures. I believe we should be represented, seen, and heard.
This archive will first live on an instagram page called @queerfamilyarchive.
For the future, I aim for the archive to live on a website and become a book and exhibition. I will email anyone that participates about where the archive goes. You have the right at any time to withdraw your photos if you do not feel comfortable participating any further.
All details about the submission is on the direct link.