Women artists struggle for visibility in Swiss museums By Alexandra Kohler, Céline Stegmüller / SWI

Male artists far outnumber their female counterparts in Swiss art museums. Over the past decade, around one quarter of all artists showcased in museums were women, a swissinfo.ch/RTS survey reveals.

Worldwide, 2019 seems to be a good year for female artists. At the Tate Britain museum in Londonexternal link, for example, a new display is dedicated to women artists who have been working in the country over the past 60 years.

The visibility of female artists is a global issue. A study into the diversity of artists in US museumsexternal link published last year revealed that only 12% of the artists shown in 18 major American institutions are women.

swissinfo.ch and Swiss public television, RTS, contacted 125 art museums to get a Swiss perspective on the question of the diversity of artists. Over 60% replied, giving results for a total of 80 museums for the 2008-2018 period.

The study shows that in solo exhibitions in Swiss museums, only 26% of artists were women; the percentage is slightly higher for shows with male and female artists together.


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